
Expert Witness Vehicle Inspectors rely on documentation and physical evidence collected from the vehicle. They then prepare a report for the court or arbitrator as an opinion of the case. Use this free guide and checklist to make sure you have the correct documents and information for your expert witness inspector to review.Continue Reading

With today’s age of technology and the internet finding a classic or collector car has gotten much easier than it was 20-30 years ago. With a few clicks of a mouse on a website you can see cars across the country narrowed down by your budget and trim level. I have put together some of the dealerships and private collections to buy a classic or collector car in St Louis. Continue Reading


While what we see is a lot of beauty and art within the design of this car we do see a bit of an older restoration showing through the paint and trim but the interior is near flawless and the vehicle runs incredibly smooth. However, with the correct markings, history of the vehicle and true solidness of the undercarriage I believe this vehicle will continue to bring in awards for many of years ~ Steven Paul, Owner of TDT.Continue Reading