Importing A Classic, Collector Or Antique Car From The Usa

Car enthusiast around the world import classic, collector and antique cars from the USA every day and many of them run into roadblocks when doing so this article is to help those overseas enthusiasts worldwide know what to expect. Having helped many classic, collector and antique vehicle buyers from aroundContinue Reading

Winter is all around us, well some of us anyhow, and that means the car sales have begun for both new car sales and used car sales.  This also means dealers are liquidating their 2017 inventory so they can make room on the lot for the new 2018 inventory rollingContinue Reading

Back to School Used Car Inspections

Steven Paul Our Owner Just Authorized a 25% Discount on Back-to-School Pre-Purchase & New Driver Used Car Inspections – Use Coupon Code B2S25 to take 25% off your used car inspection for your college student or new driver used car inspection Yep it’s that time of year again where usContinue Reading

Post Delivery Used Car Inspections for Online Car Dealer Purchase and Delivery Services Are you considering or have you already purchased a used car or vehicle through the new car buying process of Carvana and many others?  We think it is a pretty interesting idea on buying and trading vehicles.Continue Reading