Take what you can get and fight for what you want. Always be prepared to walk away. Here are a few tips on how to get the most money for your trade in.Continue Reading
Take what you can get and fight for what you want. Always be prepared to walk away. Here are a few tips on how to get the most money for your trade in.Continue Reading
Although a bit toasty on car lots and driveways I am happy to help used car buyers discover the true condition of a used car before they finalize their purchase. Here is some of the latest used car inspections I have done in St Louis, MissouriContinue Reading
Yes, that is right! We completed our move to our new farmhouse in St Rose. Not to worry, we will continue to provide our full mobile vehicle inspection services in the St Louis, Southern Illinois and Missouri areas for used cars, trucks, classic cars, exotic cars, luxury cars asContinue Reading
Mandatory state inspections make roads unsafe because they set a “minimum” safety standard which isn’t realistically “safe”. I realize that this blog article might stir up some troubles but I think it is fair that people stop and think about a few things when they go to get their vehicleContinue Reading
Hopefully your vehicle was not injured in the most recent St Louis Hail Storms or more affectionately the “Hail Storms of 2016”.  Sadly there is likely more storms to come. Oh that time of year is now upon us when vehicles have been plummeted by Mother Nature herself because she doesn’tContinue Reading
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