If you have been looking into having a vehicle appraised then you will likely have found there are several different types of appraisals for automobiles. Â The majority of our clients need a replacement value appraisal or a market value appraisal. Â Â It is actually your appraiser’s responsibility to let you know which type your needs requires but to sum it all up for you the Appraisers Association has said it well.
MARKET VALUE (MV): This value is the most probable price at which a property would sell in a competitive and open marketplace where the sale needs to be consummated within a specified time frame and neither the buyer nor the seller are under a compulsion to buy or sell. In addition, the object to be sold needs to have had sufficient market exposure for a reasonable amount of time and payment is made in terms of cash in American dollars or comparable financial arrangements are made. This term is essentially the same as fair market value except this term does not have the provision stating that there is no compulsion to buy or sell within a specified period of time. USPAP cautions appraisers to identify the exact definition of market value and its authority applicable in each appraisal completed for the purpose of market value.
RETAIL REPLACEMENT VALUE (RRV): This is the highest value, usually for insurance purposes and is defined as the highest amount in terms of US dollars that would be required to replace a property with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, provenance and condition within a reasonable length of time in an appropriate and relevant market. When applicable, sales and or import tax, commissions and or premiums are included in this amount.