Are you dealing with an Automobile or RV Lemon Law or Misrepresentation Lawsuit? I am a vehicle expert witness who has provided countless expert witness inspection services for cases involving automobile and RV lemon law, dealer fraud, and misrepresentation and valuation cases. I have put together this list of 5 reasons you should hire an attorney for your automobile or RV lemon law, dealer fraud, or misrepresentation claim. I am not an attorney, this is not legal advice. This is information from an expert witness vehicle inspector that has performed well over 5000 vehicle inspections and written over 1500 automobile lemon law and dealer fraud expert witness reports. I have worked with countless attorneys on both plaintiff and defense cases across the country in multiple states including federal court cases. I have also helped clients represent themselves on some rare occasions with lemon law claims, dealer misrepresentation, divorces, bankruptcy cases regarding vehicle valuations. It has been my experience that those who hire a lawyer usually get a much better outcome than those who go at it prose, and here is why. If you are an attorney and came across my post please send me a message and I will provide a free, no-obligation case review.
Attorneys know what type of vehicle expert witness is needed for a misrepresentation or lemon law case
I get contacted by lemon law attorneys, dealer defense attorneys as well as insurance defense attorneys and consumers looking to resolve lemon law, misrepresentation, and vehicle valuation cases all the time. Attorneys are able to look at your case and decide what exact type of vehicle inspection expert is needed based on your individual case information. On more than one occasion when a prose client has asked me to review their files I find they have contacted me out of error and that I cannot assist them with their case due to various reasons. Some of those reasons are that it is the wrong type of case for me, such as involving an accident that requires an accident reconstruction expert. Having an attorney that knows the case details and that knows the right type of expert to hire is crucial for your lemon law, misrepresentation, or dealer fraud case.
Attorneys know when a vehicle expert witness is needed for lemon law cases and when they are not
I often also get contacted by prose clients dealing with an automobile and RV lemon law, misrepresentation, and dealer fraud case way too early on in their case. The majority of attorneys who know that particular law, also know when to source and hire a vehicle inspection expert. Sometimes I am brought in early on a case for a simple case review and placed on retainer for that case, other times I am brought in at the end of the case as a final push to help a case settle or just before it goes to court. Either way, an automobile or RV lemon law or consumer law attorney will know when to bring in the big guns when they are needed.
Attorneys know the law regarding your misrepresentation or dealer fraud case
An Automobile or RV Lemon Law or Misrepresentation Lawsuit can be complex and drawn out. While there is plenty of law citations and the ability to download case law online, there are usually many other counts and items which can be added to your complaint or petition for your automobile or RV lemon law case. A good consumer law attorney will know what laws apply to your case and often also can ascertain what damages to ask for in a case. They also have the experience to know what your case is worth. Attorneys also often know what to expect and how far a case will actually go and if it will go to court. Having someone on your side that knows the consumer law inside and out for both sides of the table is what you need.
Attorneys know the proper court procedures for lemon law
Here is the main reason I no longer accept prose cases regarding vehicle claims. I have witnessed and been part of a few cases that end up costing additional fees that could have been avoided. For instance, a divorce case involving a vehicle. I performed an inspection of the vehicle, wrote a lengthy report outlining its condition and value of the vehicle, submitted the report, and was asked to show up to testify in the matter. Only to find out that my client had not provided the report to the other party involved. The judge reset the matter twice and scheduling became a big problem. While I was eventually able to provide my testimony regarding the case to the court in person, if the proper procedures would have been followed I would have only had to show up once and only bill the client for one trip. Attorneys have the knowledge and experience of what needs to happen and when it needs to take place as well as the ability to properly schedule the appearances of the experts when needed. In the long run not having to pay for excess expert witness fees would have helped this client save some money.
Having an attorney keeps your case lemon law case moving
Attorneys have legal ways to keep cases moving forward and not let them get stalled out which happens in some prose cases. The other side takes your case much more seriously when you have an attorney, and especially an attorney that knows that specific type of law. Many times inspections require what is called “agreement by party inspections” which means both sides have to agree to a certain set of terms, times, places, and who will be present for the inspection. Sometimes these inspections take place with multiple experts and attorneys present. Some other times inspections which take place outside of an agreement can be held out of court in certain circumstances. It is best to allow an attorney to set up the inspection to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your vehicle expert witness.